I am Elizabeth!
Thanks for visiting me here! Since moving to Switzerland from Atlanta, USA in 2004 lots has happened. My “job” description over the years has changed and even multiplied. Haha! I am first off a wife, mother and home manager to my wonderful family here in Switzerland. My other job descriptions include – Beauty Stylist, Interior Designer, “Natural Skincare products” manufacturer, Essential Oil lover and Leader and founder of ARISE Women’s Christian Group. Learning, growing, sharing, living, encouraging and helping others are all things I love to do.
An ever growing passion burns within me to help and encourage people through all my businesses and my life however I can.
We are beings created by God. Beings who look for true fulfilment, love, clear vision, fellowship, lasting change and transformation. By having the right kind of fellowship, we can change and grow. If I can help anyone find that, I have left a great legacy.

My Life
My husband, the love of my life, is the reason why I moved to Switzerland in 2005. I was born in sunny Miami, Florida USA. At age 5 we moved to the countryside in Woodstock, Georgia. We had a small little home with lots of land, and it was a wonderful childhood. I have a loving Mexican/Spanish dad and a wonderful American mom, who both had their experiences and adventure stories together long before I came in the picture. Their lives opened my eyes for a life full of culture, travel and adventure. Not to mention the most important aspect of my childhood, God!
Me and my 3 brothers and sisters grew up in a loving family with Christian values, and it was something that gave me the foundation and opportunity to grow in a positive atmosphere . Finding my own foundation on God throughout my life, has helped me be able to give something back to others – especially those who didn’t have it as good as I did growing up. Sure we had rough times like everyone does, and life was hard, VERY hard at times. But I could fall back on that godly foundation and get my bearings.
I studied interior design in Atlanta and soon after started my own interior design business alongside my father in his construction company. I love this creative work! Working with people and creating a wonderful homely living space for them has always been a passion of mine. Here and there, I still tackle some interior design projects, and my heart blooms a little more.
Then it happened… I met my husband in 2003 in a Christian youth camp of our church, fell in love, got married, moved to Switzerland and a few years later, in 2007, I got to know Mary Kay Beauty products. I was….INSPIRED to start my own business again. This time in the beauty industry.
In 2007 I started at the same time a dream of mine to become a store owner with Bella’s Bags, only I didn’t think it would be a web shop. Under STORE you can check out all my projects.
So before I knew it, 11 years had passed, 2 children later and from a few health challenges, my health came into focus. Something was wrong with me, I thought. I knew fitness and eating habits were something that needed to change. My discs in my back liked me better when I was doing my exercises. I decided it was time to get fit for my back and general health. I was really exhausted with my small children and my back problems were not helping me take care of them. Neither was lack of sleep, but that was another issue that only time could help take care of as my kids learned to sleep better.
I told myself NOW is the time! Just do it! I started to eat better and work out. I have always found it exciting to develop, learn and grow, and that was also the case with health. Originally I wanted to become a doctor. But this is another topic 🙂 Then I was introduced to a natural dietary supplement, which helped me with my tiredness. My endurance and strength began to increase, and the momentum just kept going! Slowly but surely things started to change. One step after the other and suddenly I didn’t feel so tired anymore. I also slept better with time as soon as the kids let me do it. Of course this also helps your immune system and your overall well-being which influences every thing else in your body.

My Mission
These challenges have brought great changes in my life. If it were not FOR these challenges, I would not have seen a need to change my ways, change my attitude, GROW! Not only for my body but also spiritually.
My gaze was and is directed towards God. He is faithful and He has helped me. In less than a year a wonderful change took place. More and more powerful, in spirit, in soul, and body. I am very thankful for the possibilities we all have when we focus our gaze on the right things and decide to change something. Sometimes we need help, so get help if you find it hard to get started.
Anyone who wants to experience change and growth CAN, even if the situation around you does NOT change. With God it is possible. I hope when you are in a rough spot, that you are able to come out of it stronger. I pray that we can live in freedom and joy and not to be steered by fear. That we can let go of negativity and begin to allow God to be our guide. Only He can free us if we find ourselves prisoners of our own doubt and fear.
All these challenges and changes in life have made me who I am today. They influence every other aspect of my life whether I think they do or not. They influence: daily family life, relationship with my friends and extended relatives, with acquaintances, with my husband, with my kids, in my business, and even the way I deal with myself. The list goes on and on. When God helps me heal inside and get to that place of peace and trust in Him – then I can be at peace with others and help them on a journey of change. I must look inwardly first and judge myself according to what God says about me. Who God says He is to me. And what He has done for me. Then I can go from there. Otherwise the whole foundation of what I try to build on, is unstable. We all know THAT kind of foundation is not one you would want your house built on.
So whether my clients/friends are trying essential oils, learning about skin care, coming to an Open House, or joining an ARISE Women’s Ministry event, I hope after being with me, they can walk away more blessed, than when they came in.
Our attitude changes the atmosphere around us. Whether for good or for bad. We can choose. We can be positive atmosphere changers and inspire others and promote growth. And that’s the great thing about it, we have no limits and can simply GROW when we choose the harder path of change! The more you do it, the better you get at it.
We never stop growing – we learn, we cry, we get up again, we keep moving, we keep sailing, we keep going.
Life is full of surprises and it’s waiting for a worthy dueling partner for an adventurous voyage! I hope you can be inspired today and live life to the fullest that God has set before you! We have the opportunity and the possibilities to make a change now and have an abundant LIFE! I am not talking materialistic abundance. God abundance and everything else falls into place. THAT is abundance of life. Peace. Joy. Life with Jesus.
keep GROWING stronger every day!

We can grow
Whether you are a business woman, teacher, student, mother, homemaker, grandmother, daughter, friend, youtuber or anything else you can think of, you have a PURPOSE in this life. More than anything, that is what ALIVE is about – helping women discover their purpose and move into that. Look forward to meeting you.

Set up an appointment with me
Online, Live in Ehrendingen or at your Home or Center

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What my clients say
Elizabeth’s warmth & professionalism are reflected in everything she does. Her attention to wishes & individual needs of her clients is remarkable. A special highlight is Elizabeth’s beautiful product packaging, a sign of her love for for beauty – down to the last detail.
Deborah H.
As a customer, I prefer an individual, professional, friendly, non-intrusive, well-founded, tailored advice that is consistent. Elizabeth knows how to convey this in the best possible way with her great know-how of the entire Mary Kay Beauty line and its effectivness. For years I have been able to count on her valuable services and skills. I also appreciate the uncomplicated and speedy processing of orders.
Karin W.
My long-standing customer relationship with Beth (Elizabeth) has been characterized by very positive circumstances. She takes my concerns seriously without trying to talk me into anything. I feel competently advised, and I can also return products if I don’t like something. On special requests, she is willing to go the extra mile and spares no effort. In addition, she is a very pleasant, friendly, humorous, sensitive and tactful personality.
Nancy M.
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