Ich bin Elizabeth!
Danke, dass du mich hier besuchst! Seit ich 2004 von Atlanta, USA, in die Schweiz gezogen bin, ist viel passiert. Meine „Job“-Beschreibung hat sich über die Jahre verändert und sogar vervielfacht. Haha! In erster Linie bin ich Ehefrau, Mutter und Hausmanagerin für meine wunderbare Familie hier in der Schweiz. Meine anderen Jobbeschreibungen beinhalten – Beauty Stylistin, Innenarchitektin, Herstellerin von „Natural Skincare Produkten“, Leiterin und Gründerin der christlichen ARISE Frauengemeinschaft und Autorin. Lernen, wachsen, teilen, leben, ermutigen und anderen helfen sind alles Dinge, die ich gerne tue.
Eine immer größer werdende Leidenschaft brennt in mir, Menschen zu helfen und zu ermutigen, durch alle meine Geschäfte und mein Leben, wie auch immer ich es kann. Ich liebe es!
Wir sind von Gott geschaffene Wesen. Wesen, die nach wahrer Erfüllung, Liebe, klarer Vision, Gemeinschaft, dauerhafter Veränderung und Transformation suchen. Indem wir die richtige Art von Gemeinschaft und Denkweise haben, können wir uns verändern und wachsen. Wenn ich jemandem helfen kann, das zu finden und ein Licht zu sein für weitere Personen, dann ist das eine Arbeit die gut gemacht worden ist.
We can grow
Whether you are a business woman, teacher, student, mother, homemaker, grandmother, daughter, friend, youtuber or anything else you can think of, you have a PURPOSE in this life. More than anything, that is what ALIVE is about – helping women discover their purpose and move into that. Look forward to meeting you.
Set up an appointment with me
Online, Live in Ehrendingen or at your Home or Center
Head over to all my stores and click on the one that interests you most
Some pictures
Your walk and amount of growth in this life is directly and very strongly influenced by your willingness to change. Positive change in your life requires letting go of things that are holding you back and embracing the things that will move you forward. Do you have the courage to brace yourself in the wind? Do you have the courage to dig deep and do the tedious work of tilling the hard ground around your roots so they can grow deeper and stronger today? Do you want to have a higher vision of what this life is all about?
Elizabeth Knechtli
What my clients say
Elizabeth’s warmth & professionalism are reflected in everything she does. Her attention to wishes & individual needs of her clients is remarkable. A special highlight is Elizabeth’s beautiful product packaging, a sign of her love for for beauty – down to the last detail.
Deborah H.
As a customer, I prefer an individual, professional, friendly, non-intrusive, well-founded, tailored advice that is consistent. Elizabeth knows how to convey this in the best possible way with her great know-how of the entire Mary Kay Beauty line and its effectivness. For years I have been able to count on her valuable services and skills. I also appreciate the uncomplicated and speedy processing of orders.
Karin W.
My long-standing customer relationship with Beth (Elizabeth) has been characterized by very positive circumstances. She takes my concerns seriously without trying to talk me into anything. I feel competently advised, and I can also return products if I don’t like something. On special requests, she is willing to go the extra mile and spares no effort. In addition, she is a very pleasant, friendly, humorous, sensitive and tactful personality.
Nancy M.
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